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Our Yoga Programs

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Understanding Our Programs...

Each age group are taught very differently however, all the classes are very active involving exercise for the parent/carer as well as for the baby/child. Many exercises are enjoyed together, some with the use of props such as scarves, hoops, gym ball, puppets etc. All using lots of rhyme, songs and music.

Working in nurseries and schools we have ensured our classes are in line with the Early Years Foundation Stages and cover Communication & Language, Physical Development, Personal, Social and Emotional Development.

Mitchy Titch was awarded Best Pre-school Classes by Netmums and has featured in a number of Local and National Magazines. Our classes are delivered in various venues, schools & nurserys across the country, not to mention lots of uniformed groups too, Brownies & Scouts love our sessions too.  

Why not see for yourself, take a look at some of our classes here… 

We are very proud of all of our highly trained instructors who are very dedicated individuals who believe our sessions are essential to our children's well being in this ever increasingly busy world we live in.

Avril O’Brien
Owner of Mitchy Titch Limited

Baby Yoga

Babies 6/8 weeks to crawling are taught at a steady pace, giving parents time to digest the moves to use at home. Our classes help you connect with your baby and also include gentle postnatal stretches for you.

Sessions begin with a gentle, clothed massage for baby which is especially good for babys that have had a traumatic birth or mothers that have undergone a C-section or have postnatal depression. With positive touch your baby develops both physically and emotionally and enjoys a full range of movements with confidence. This is a great way to enjoy baby massage and yoga fun & fitness

Gentle exercise is encouraged for the parent/carer and classes are kept fun and stimulating with lots of interaction, song, sensory, massage, reflexology and yoga inspired stretches with a variety of props. Our unique Mitchy Titch techniques have been designed for the grown-ups to benefit too with our adapted yoga stretches, breathing and relaxation exercises which include partner and joint exercises which help to encourage peer bonding, so that you and your baby can make lots of life-long friends.

Our sessions end with a beautiful relaxation for you and your little one, most of our babies are ready for a good sleep by now!!
The mental and physical benefits of this fun activity is wide-ranging. We have found regular exercising in this way can help with sleeping, digestion, self-esteem, bonding and communicating with your child. Just some of the benefits include:


  • Better and longer sleep patterns
  • Improves digestion and eases colic
  • Stimulates a restless baby
  • Promotes a healthy, physically fit lifestyle
  • Boosts immune system
  • Reduces stress and develops relaxation techniques
  • Improves muscle tone
  • Increases body awareness
  • Aids motor development & co-ordination
  • Helps develop listening skills
  • Contributes to brain development
  • Connects parents and baby and forms a better bonding
  • Significantly improves verbal memory
  • Develops left-hemisphere abilities


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Toddlers & Pre-School

All our classes follow the Early Years Foundation Stages as set out by the government in order to aid development and learning and promote a physically active lifestyle for your growing child.

  • Mobile Babies from crawling to around 2 to 2.5 yrs approximately are taught at a faster pace to keep your child stimulated, encouraging your child to copy yoga style stretches independently to increase their self-esteem. Lots of interaction, music, songs, props and sensory as well as individual and group activity.
  • This class is as much about the parents and carers having fun as it is for the child and with songs & rhymes our toddler yoga classes are very educational. Yoga stories are a firm favourite!
  • Our classes also focus on sharing, turn taking and patience with a big focus on speech, language and development but delivered in such a fun way that it makes learning easy. Everyone benefits from our breathing and relaxation techniques for enhanced quiet time with lots of snuggles and cuddles. 
  • Pre-School Yoga from approx. 2.5 years to Age 4/5 is an extension to our Toddler Yoga, our Yogis by now are more understanding & self-aware so we aim to increase their confidence through yoga games & stories, really focusing on the poses and further enhancing our EYFS module, having our yogis school ready is a huge priority for us!

The mental and physical benefits of this fun activity is wide-ranging. We have found regular exercising in this way can help with sleeping, digestion, self-esteem, bonding and communication & language. Just some of the benefits include:

  • Promotes a healthy, physically fit lifestyle
  • Cultivates self esteem and positive body image
  • Boosts immune system
  • Reduces stress and develops relaxation techniques
  • Reduces anxiety
  • Improves muscle tone
  • Increases body awareness
  • Aids motor development & co-ordination
  • Helps develop language and listening skills
  • Important for emotional, cognitive and social development
  • Contributes to brain development
  • Significantly improves verbal memory
  • Develops left-hemisphere abilities
  • Aids concentration
  • Improves attention span

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Kids Yoga

Working with Children from age 4/5 upto age 12 and families.

  • Children’s sessions can be held afterschool or at the weekends and can be extended to include families 
  • This class is where your imagination can go wild. Children perform yoga-style stretches to create an interactive story, such as: Bendy Bunny having a bad day, Going on a Treasure Hunt or fun at the fairground and often using their parent/carer as props in their story. This is a fantastic way for parents to enjoy physical activity with their children and reap the benefits of yoga in a fun and exciting way. Music, props, singing and games also included and as with all our classes we follow EYFS and SEN guidelines.
  • Grown-ups in this class can get involved as little or as much as they want to, but our emphasis is always on family bonding and encouraging you to have fun with your child at home. 

The mental and physical benefits of this fun activity is wide-ranging. We have found regular exercising in this way can help with sleeping, digestion, self-esteem, bonding and communication & language. Just some of the benefits include:

  • Promotes a healthy, physically fit lifestyle
  • Cultivates self esteem and positive body image
  • Reduces stress and develops relaxation techniques
  • Reduces anxiety
  • Improves muscle tone
  • Increases body awareness
  • Aids motor development & co-ordination
  • Helps develop language and listening skills
  • Important for emotional, cognitive and social development
  • Contributes to brain development
  • Significantly improves verbal memory
  • Develops left-hemisphere abilities
  • Aids concentration
  • Improves attention span

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Fun Yoga

The Mitchy Titch Party
Stuck for what to do for your little one’s first Birthday or just want something different to entertain your toddler or young child. Ask an instructor in your area about a Yoga-fun and fitness party. Most teachers can offer basic to more elaborate parties and even theme it if you wish.

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Yoga for Relaxation

We all lead such busy hectic lives and often neglect our health and well being. All of our instructors are very experienced and able to adapt our sessions to focus on the calmer, more relaxing side of yoga, creating yoga flows and relaxing visualisations for children. Please check with your local instructor how they can work with you to create the perfect session!

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Private Yoga

This class is for those that prefer to do any of our classes in the comfort of their own home with their little one, as a family or with a small group of friends and is particularly good for those that do not have a local class on days you are available or if you are a little shy of groups and need to gain confidence with your child.

Why not book an early evening yoga-fun & fitness class to help relax your baby/child before bedtime, so that you can both have a peaceful nights sleep or for those that would like to share yoga with another family member that is unable to during the daytime. 

If there is not a group to suit you in your area you could always request further information from your local Mitchy Titch Teacher to see what is on offer in your area.

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Yoga in Nurseries & Schools

Working with Children from age 4/5 up to age 12.  
  • All our classes follow the Early Years Foundation Stages and SEN Guidelines as set out by the government in order to aid development and learning and promote a physically active lifestyle for your growing child. KS1 & KS2 Curriculum are featured within our lesson plans and we aim to work closely with our schools in creating the perfect sessions for the children
  • These can be in-day sessions, after school clubs, event days such as world book day where we can introduce some story yoga or health and well-being day, working on yoga flows and relaxation techniques. The possibilities are wide ranging and the benefits endless 
The mental and physical benefits of this none competitive activity ares wide-ranging. We have found regular exercising in this way can help with self-esteem, bonding and communication & language, mental and physical health well-being. Just some of the benefits include:
  • Promotes a healthy, physically fit lifestyle
  • Cultivates self esteem and positive body image
  • Reduces stress and develops relaxation techniques
  • Reduces anxiety
  • Improves muscle tone
  • Increases body awareness
  • Aids motor development & co-ordination
  • Helps develop language and listening skills
  • Important for emotional, cognitive and social development
  • Contributes to brain development
  • Significantly improves verbal memory
  • Develops left-hemisphere abilities
  • Aids concentration
  • Improves attention span
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