t. 07966 794712
e. admin@mitchytitch.co.uk
To make a booking please select the button below, you will then be directed to select your class and proceed to payment..
If there are no places available for your chosen class you will be directed to a waiting list.
All bookings are subject to our terms and conditions, (displayed at the bottom of page) we reserve the right to decline a booking and immediately refund you.
Please ensure you select the correct venue!!
The Lodge Wellness Center, Liverpool.
Booking Terms & Conditions
A refund will be issued if your instructor cancels a session or you may carry this session forward to a new term.
N.B. A refund will not be issued if you are unable to attend a session that you have already booked. However, if notice of absence from a session, prior to course booking has been given, it is by your instructors discretion, that you may be issued a refund or carry over for next term. Please discuss with your instructor prior to booking.